Cedar Park Studio Closing September 30, 2023

a public service announcement from Jeff and Mardy…

With a heavy heart, we are closing the Cedar Park studio at the end of September, 2023. As we near the end of the lease term, we want to give as much advance notice of this disappointing news. Over the last several months, we sought solutions to keep hot yoga going at the current space beyond our lease term, but have been unsuccessful.

We originally opened in Cedar Park on November 4, 2010, and over the last 12+ years introduced hot yoga to over 11,000 people. We are grateful for each and every one of you. We are grateful to all of the teachers who brought their energy and enthusiasm to Cedar Park throughout the years, past and present.

While circumstances with this location do not enable us to continue forward, we are happy to support others interested in expanding hot yoga in outer areas of Central Texas. Our wish is to nourish and grow the yoga community.

Join us at our North Austin studio (2525 W. Anderson Lane, #320) over the next few months to find ways to continue your hot yoga practice at PURE after we close. Until then, please take this summer to enjoy our last months at this beautiful space.

Lastly, if you would like to share any photos or fond memories, please email us at info@pureyogatexas.com.

With Gratitude,

Jeff and Mardy Chen




Presence > Postures