• PLAN AHEAD: Reserve class online through this website. If you are new to our studio, sign up for our intro offer!

    BE COURTEOUS: Remember to early cancel your reservation (1 hour before class time) to allow waitlist students to have a spot. If you have been added to class from the waitlist, please confirm your attendance so that we know to expect you. If you've been added to multiple classes in one day, please be sure to cancel out of those classes you will not attend. If you are showing symptoms of COVID-19 or test positive and are asymptomatic, you should not come to the studio until you test negative. Check out our free videos to practice from home.

    BE ON TIME: Arrive between 5-15 minutes before class starts to get set.

    BE PREPARED: It is best to bring your own yoga mat, large towel, and water (rental mats and towels are $5 EACH). Bring tissues or a washcloth to cover all incidental coughs and sneezes.

    SHARE OUR SPACE: Line up the top left corner of your yoga mat with one of the designated spots to ensure maximum spacing between students.

    ENJOY THE CONVENIENCE: Locker rooms and showers are available before and after class. Keep your showers quick and under 3 minutes.

    STAY TUNED IN: Remember all of your belongings. We periodically donate unclaimed items to Goodwill. Check in with your PURE Yoga Community with our special events, classes, and workshops!

  • Guests can create a profile through our “New to PURE” page and sign up for their New Student Intro!

    In order to ensure that you and your friend can practice together in a specific class, we recommend that you both reserve a spot in your desired class.

  • We look forward to having you at our studio! Click here to sign up and take advantage of our new student intro offer!

  • Downtown Austin - 506 Oakland Ave. Our Downtown Austin Studio is a charming craftsman home renovated into a boutique yoga studio. Park on Oakland Ave in front of the studio or click here to read our blog post with parking options in the neighborhood! To find the Tree House Studio, walk down the driveway past the wooden gate and up the stairs.

    North Austin - 2525 W Anderson Ln #320. Our North Austin Studio is in the Northcross Shopping Center. Do you see the Walmart? Look to the right. We are in the building next to Ross, next door to the Tarka Indian restaurant facing Northcross Drive.

    Dallas - 6333 E Mockingbird Ln #253. Our Dallas Studio is in the Mockingbird Commons Shopping Center. We are on the second floor in the middle of this shopping center, home to Tom Thumb grocery store. Take the middle stairs.

  • We take the current health and safety concerns very seriously. Here's what we do to keep our facilities sanitized and air circulating:

    Dis-In-FX proprietary antimicrobial treatment of all surfaces and touch points (certified germ-free each month)

    Daily surface cleaning (lobby, yoga room, locker rooms, showers) with ammonium chloride solvents

    Yoga room "Energy-Recovery Ventilator" provides constant fresh air

    Ducted UV-C sanitization (Austin studios)

  • PURE is not responsible for lost or stolen items, so whenever possible please leave your valuables at home. All of our locations do have locker rooms, cubbies, and shoe shelves for you to store your belongings. If you need to bring valuables with you into the studio, please ensure that they are in a secure location. You are welcome to bring items such as phones, keys, and wallets into the yoga room, but please double check that all electronics are set to silent/airplane mode. Let’s all work together to keep PURE safe and secure!

  • If you can't get to the studio, try our on-demand or live stream classes on PUREYogaTV or our free videos.

  • If you have any more questions, email us at info@pureyogatexas.com or info@pureyogadallas.com any time; OR call or text us at 888-245-0726 (Austin) or 214-824-9642 (Dallas) during the following hours: Mon to Fri 8:30am to 4:30pm; Sat 8:30am to 11:30am.