Dallas Studio
6333 E Mockingbird Ln #253
Dallas TX 75214
Directions: We are on the second floor in the middle of this shopping center, home to Tom Thumb grocery store. Take the middle stairs.
North Austin Studio
2525 W Anderson Ln #320
Austin TX 78757
Directions: Our North Austin Studio is located in the Northcross Shopping Center. Do you see the Walmart? Look to the right. We are in the building behind Ross, next door to the Tarka Indian restaurant facing Northcross Drive.
Downtown Austin Studio
506 Oakland Ave
Austin TX 78703
Directions: Our Downtown Austin Studio is a charming craftsman home renovated into a boutique yoga studio. Park on Oakland Ave in front of the studio or click here to read our blog post with parking options in the neighborhood! To find the Tree House Studio, walk down the driveway past the wooden gate and up the stairs.