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Downtown Tree House, North Austin Guest User Downtown Tree House, North Austin Guest User


The mental reset, physical challenge, and focus on the present moment hooked me from the beginning. After years of dedicated practice at the Cedar Park studio, I attended the Journey Into Power (Vinyasa) teacher training at PURE. Fun Fact: When not on my mat, I dedicate much of my energy to my husband and beautiful daughters.

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Downtown Main House, North Austin Guest User Downtown Main House, North Austin Guest User


After randomly stepping on my mat years ago, I knew instantaneously that I'd found the most amazing life tool. The tremendous impact that this practice has on our students is a joy to watch. Fun Fact: Other than my career in Yoga, I'm overjoyed to announce I've recently been promoted to Grandma!

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After 6 years of service in the Army, I struggled with the challenge of returning to civilian life. I thought I would use yoga as a mobility practice to help me with other endeavors like ultra running and endurance challenges. Little did I know I had stumbled upon a whole universe of possibilities! There is no better feeling than seeing students light up when you bring your all to class and then getting to join them side by side as peers when I am taking another class myself. Fun Fact: I expanded the classes I teach to Hot Yoga HIIT!

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North Austin Guest User North Austin Guest User


After taking my first class in 2012 following years of Ballet and long-distance running, my life changed forever. Yoga not only healed my Achilles tendinitis and an injury to my MCL and meniscus, it also improved countless other aspects of my life. Fun Fact: I've taught this Yoga all over the world, including New York City, Illinois, Florida, Nice, France, and Vienna, and Austria.

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Downtown Main House, North Austin Guest User Downtown Main House, North Austin Guest User


The benefits I received from Bikram Yoga changed my life. Upon completion of my first 60-day challenge, I was happier and healthier; had improved nutritional habits; and had a totally new outlook on life. Each time that I teach, the true joy and satisfaction comes in knowing that I’m helping people improve their physical and emotional health. Fun Fact: Catch me most weekends around town singing smooth jazz!

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North Austin Guest User North Austin Guest User


I feel at home on my yoga mat and part of a vibrant community at the studio. It is not only a part of my health & well-being, much like taking a daily vitamin, but a place where I can explore fundamental aspects of humanity. Fun Fact: I recently received my Doctorate in Physical Therapy and have been known to tell a dad-joke or two.

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I am continuously inspired by the student testimonials we hear on a daily basis. I love the yoga community. Musicians, artists, athletes, moms and dads, students and seniors, high techs and corporate execs—all stand side-by-side in class—improving their daily lives through yoga practice. Seeing every smiling, happy face leave our studios energizes me and is my constant source of inspiration. Fun Fact: Stay late at the studio someday and join me for my other favorite practice: Kendo (the Japanese "way of the sword")

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North Austin Guest User North Austin Guest User


I truly believe in the power we have to heal ourselves with this Yoga. I teach from a place of compassion, passion, and faith in the sequence and my students. In addition to teaching the Original Hot Yoga, I also teach Inferno Hot Pilates. I’m so grateful for the people (and the food!) here in Austin and at PURE. Fun Fact: I recently moved to Texas from New York, where I’ve taught and practiced for years.

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North Austin Guest User North Austin Guest User

Lauren A.

I stepped into the hot room 6 years ago and immediately felt the mental and physical benefits of movement in a heated space. In search of a yoga practice compliment (and other ways to keep warm in Chicago), I tried Inferno Hot Pilates and became hooked from the stronger muscle and cardio results. Currently, I love sharing IHP with other yogis alike and anyone looking for a fun, high-energy and challenging class. Fun Fact: I have a not so secret passion for fashion and textiles.

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North Austin Guest User North Austin Guest User


Born and raised in the South of France, I first came to the United States on a three-months tourist visa to attend my yoga teacher training and "turn my passion into action". Shortly after, I moved permanently to the United States in 2013, and started teaching Bikram Yoga full-time, sharing my tremendous love for this practice. Fun Fact: I am currently working at St David’s Medical Center in Austin, as a RN in the cardiac rehab unit where I also take care of amputees and post-operative patients.

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The greatest reward of being a studio owner is witnessing the startling transformations in beginning students and helping them motivate themselves to develop long-term yoga practices to reap and maintain the health benefits of this unique system of hatha yoga. Since starting my own practice in 1998 and opening my first studio in 2003, I can think of no greater calling than sharing this practice. Fun Fact: One of my favorite things is curating the aesthetic of the studios, keeping them chic, simple, and a canvas for your transformation.

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North Austin Guest User North Austin Guest User

Megan W.

My mind was blown after my first class, and by my third I was hooked. Yoga has carried me through life’s ups and downs offering a caring community and grace. The never-ending opportunity to exercise my curiosity keeps me coming back. I took the plunge and signed up for teacher training in 2021 after my work had gone full remote due to COVID. I completed teacher training in May of 2022 in Mexico and will cherish memories from that time forever. Fun Fact: I first found Bikram Yoga in 2006 while working next door to a studio in San Antonio.

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North Austin Guest User North Austin Guest User

Monica L.

I was introduced to Bikram yoga in an unlikely place, the gym of a treatment center for drug and alcohol addiction. After a few months at the center I began to see small benefits from the yoga, but it was not until I utilized the hot room after graduating that I realized the extent and power of this practice. A few years down the road and this practice is undoubtedly one of the most important aspects of my life. Fun Fact: You might find me at Walnut Creek with my dog, husband, and brand new baby!

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North Austin Guest User North Austin Guest User

Nikki G.

I was looking for something to prevent injuries and provide longevity in my career. I immediately fell in love with the heat and the healing of this yoga. I find great joy in working with students with injuries and ailments and providing space for this yoga to work its magic! Over the past 10 years as I have practiced through digestive issues, chronic fatigue, depression, back pain, trauma, pregnancy, and much more, I have learned that the body and mind are deeply intertwined. I believe Bikram Yoga is a beautiful place to explore that connection and become a happier, healthier, more kind, more nourished, whole version of yourself. Fun Fact: I started practicing Bikram Yoga in September 2012 in Danbury, Connecticut and am also a massage therapist.

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North Austin, Downtown Tree House Guest User North Austin, Downtown Tree House Guest User


I have always kept a steady yoga practice to maintain my overall health, longevity and spirituality. I began to implement the teachings and practices of yoga into everything I did, and my life became infinitely more magical than I could have ever dreamed up! Health and sobriety have helped me achieve my dreams of helping others to rise up their fullest potential as well. This is all I ever want to do- to show others that anything is possible. Fun Fact: I am also an accomplished ballet and modern dancer.

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North Austin Guest User North Austin Guest User


I fell in love with Bikram Yoga from my very 1st class in 2002, in Hyannis Massachusetts. Having been a dancer throughout my childhood and teens, I took to Bikram Yoga at first, as just another hobby. After about a year into my steady practice, I noticed major changes in my life that seemed to occur naturally, but in fact I owe many of those changes to my yoga practice. So, I decided Yoga would be a major part of my life forever. Certified from Pure Yoga Texas in the summer of 2017, I am overjoyed to teach this amazingly powerful yoga system, that actually is a 90 minute open eyed meditation! Fun Fact: Prior to training at PURE, I moved myself to Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, MA where I lived and worked for a few months, followed by an immersive 200 Yoga Teacher Training in 2004.

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