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Downtown Main House, North Austin Guest User Downtown Main House, North Austin Guest User


After randomly stepping on my mat years ago, I knew instantaneously that I'd found the most amazing life tool. The tremendous impact that this practice has on our students is a joy to watch. Fun Fact: Other than my career in Yoga, I'm overjoyed to announce I've recently been promoted to Grandma!

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After 6 years of service in the Army, I struggled with the challenge of returning to civilian life. I thought I would use yoga as a mobility practice to help me with other endeavors like ultra running and endurance challenges. Little did I know I had stumbled upon a whole universe of possibilities! There is no better feeling than seeing students light up when you bring your all to class and then getting to join them side by side as peers when I am taking another class myself. Fun Fact: I expanded the classes I teach to Hot Yoga HIIT!

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Downtown Main House Guest User Downtown Main House Guest User


After teaching the Bikram series for twelve years in New York City, I relocated to Austin in 2018 seeking better tacos and better yoga. And I certainly found what I was looking for with PURE Yoga Texas! My teaching method is steeped in anatomical precision, insight, skill, and forming a genuine connection with each student in class. Fun Fact: I also run my own massage business, teach anatomy, and create taco quality spreadsheets.

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Downtown Main House, North Austin Guest User Downtown Main House, North Austin Guest User


The benefits I received from Bikram Yoga changed my life. Upon completion of my first 60-day challenge, I was happier and healthier; had improved nutritional habits; and had a totally new outlook on life. Each time that I teach, the true joy and satisfaction comes in knowing that I’m helping people improve their physical and emotional health. Fun Fact: Catch me most weekends around town singing smooth jazz!

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I am continuously inspired by the student testimonials we hear on a daily basis. I love the yoga community. Musicians, artists, athletes, moms and dads, students and seniors, high techs and corporate execs—all stand side-by-side in class—improving their daily lives through yoga practice. Seeing every smiling, happy face leave our studios energizes me and is my constant source of inspiration. Fun Fact: Stay late at the studio someday and join me for my other favorite practice: Kendo (the Japanese "way of the sword")

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Downtown Main House Guest User Downtown Main House Guest User

Lindsey P.

I first experienced Original Hot Yoga at PURE South in 2012 as an attempt to collect another tool for managing stress and anxiety. It was hot, and the effort to HEAR instructions, rather than SEE each posture, was a challenge. But, I went back. And, a 30-day trial turned into 10 years of practice. I quickly recognized the quiet that yoga brought to my mind and body. Struggling through 90 minutes of yoga in the hot room assuaged the challenge and fear of struggling through life outside of the hot room. Fun Fact: My decision to complete teacher training in 2022 was two-fold: simply, I am a better person when I practice yoga, and I am a better person when I can spread peace and calm to others.

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Downtown Main House Guest User Downtown Main House Guest User


I took my first hot yoga and pilates class back in 2017. I instantly fell in love with the practice and saw so many improvements within my life. Not only did my physical health improve, but my mental health as well. I couldn’t go a day without practicing. I began my teaching journey May 2021 and my favorite part of teaching is creating a space where you can be the best version of yourself. Fun Fact: I got certified to teach in IHP. after years of playing collegiate soccer.

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The greatest reward of being a studio owner is witnessing the startling transformations in beginning students and helping them motivate themselves to develop long-term yoga practices to reap and maintain the health benefits of this unique system of hatha yoga. Since starting my own practice in 1998 and opening my first studio in 2003, I can think of no greater calling than sharing this practice. Fun Fact: One of my favorite things is curating the aesthetic of the studios, keeping them chic, simple, and a canvas for your transformation.

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Downtown Main House Guest User Downtown Main House Guest User


When I found Pure Yoga in 2011, my crush on hot yoga quickly turned into love. The mental and physical benefits and challenges are what keep me coming back. The heat is a tool that helps me focus and meditate. This yoga keeps me present and in the moment. Pure Yoga is a safe, inclusive, and amazing community of yogis. Fun Fact: I'm also a High School science teacher!

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Downtown Main House Guest User Downtown Main House Guest User

Nikki D.

After many years behind the chair as a hairstylist and several businesses later, I am ready to teach others the full spectrum of this practice. I have found balance, tenacity, strength and compassion in my world outside of the yoga room because of all the work I put into my practice. Our bodies carry so much knowledge if we learn how to silence our minds and listen. Fun Fact: I’ve been a Bikram practitioner for almost 20 years, and vowed one day to become a teacher! Here I am!

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Downtown Main House Guest User Downtown Main House Guest User


I was a dancer growing up and really struggled to find exercise and physical movement that I enjoyed after I stopped dancing. When I first found hot yoga, I fell in love with the challenge, how I felt after class, and the tremendous benefits on my anxiety. However, my favorite thing about the 26 & 2 is it allows me to see what my body can do versus only focusing on what it looks like. I always knew I wanted to teach and share how wonderful of an experience hot yoga is. I love how it brings people together even if we all step into the room for completely different reasons. I finally took the leap this year and completed the Pure Yoga Institute training with Jeff and Mardy and I'm so excited to be guiding others in their practice! Fun Fact: I took my first class in Dallas!

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Every day I count myself lucky to have discovered the world's greatest health restoration system, aka Bikram Yoga. I took my first class in 2008 at the recommendation of a co-worker, and have since then, like all of us yogis, discovered an endless wealth of mental and physical benefits. This yoga truly is medicine, powerful medicine, that can be trusted and relied upon in any instance of pain, sickness, or injury. A consistent practice has given me a means of coping with loss and grief, as well as a general calmness, slowness, and quietness of my entire self. Fun Fact: I am also a passionate dancer and massage therapist.

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Downtown Main House Guest User Downtown Main House Guest User


I became a certified yoga instructor in 2011 after seeing years of prescription drug abuse and chronic pain from poor ergonomics fade after just two months of daily yoga. I also experienced yoga's mental and emotional benefits of improved patience, concentration, grit, and calmness. Experience a class rich with information both on the physical and mental level drawing from life experiences and research studies with universities from all over the country! Regret Nothing. Change Everything. Fun Fact: I served as the community director for Pure Action, a non-profit yoga research and community organization, teaching weekly classes at drug and alcohol recovery centers, county jails, and local community health clinics.

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